The Logger Project's goal was to create an original, regionally specific play in collaboration with the Blue Ox Millworks, Ink People Center for the Arts, Four on the Floor, residents, historians, logging families and timber companies. The Logger Project, took place over a eighteen-month period. The project was developed through a community-engaged theater making process and based on the lives of Pacific Northwest logging families located in Humboldt County, California.
This project is an exploration of the logger told through an original score and stories that shape the play - a glimpse of the history, day-to-day lives, and experiences of the men and women who call themselves loggers. The play was performed at the Blue Ox Millworks historic landmark with professional actors and community members. A simple outside setting with outdated and authentic milling equipment, fire pit and 100-year-old logger home as the backdrop. The original script and score was accompanied by a bluegrass band, Bucky Walters, and a local choir as backup. The play began at sunset with a toasty fire center stage. At the close of each performance a Q&A took place where audience members could address the logger community and artists.

The Logger Project is an original, regionally specific play based on the lives of Pacific Northwest logging families located in Humboldt County, California. This socially engaged creative project was in collaboration with the Blue Ox Millworks Historic Park, Ink People Center for the Arts, Four on the Floor Productions, residents, historians, logging families, and timber companies. This project served individuals ranging in age from 15 to 90 which shaped the script's development and included a qualitative method with structured interviews, oral histories, archival research, and utilized a community-engaged theater-making methodology. The goal of The Logger Project was to demonstrate how the arts contribute to the strengthening of communities.
The objective was to include an estimated 400 Humboldt County residents to participate in the creation, performance, and as audience members of a regionally specific, new play addressing the logging history and future of the families who identify as loggers. This included the personal stories, tragedies, and triumphs of families that have been affected by the lack of employment and the social stigma they experience due to environmental concerns and activism. It might seem doubtful to say that loggers love trees, but the difference between the logger and the modern logging industry is vast. Repeatedly, when interviewed, Humboldt County loggers consistently spoke of the beauty and serenity they experience within the forest. They shared stories of how the art of logging was a source of pride and that protecting the forest from unnecessary falling of trees was paramount. These same robust, rough men and women told stories of protecting newborn chicks just hatched atop a redwood tree intended for harvest by large timber companies. They described their resentment of clearcutting and the over logging of forests once the art of logging responsibly was lost. Often loggers feel like they are portrayed inaccurately confusing them with timber company policies, and in Humboldt County, after the Timber Wars, logging towns and families suffered from this misrepresentation.
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